After the months of preparation and hard work, it's hard to believe that the exhibition has now been and gone.
And I have to say, I'm quite missing it!
I really loved being a gallery assistant for the nine days of the exhibition. It was a privilege to go to work each day at The Barn Gallery, surrounded by more felt than I have ever seen in the one room at the same time.
I also enjoyed the opportunity to talk about felt with the folk who came to view the exhibition - from people who had never encountered felt before to fellow feltmakers, each conversation was a joy.
There are lots of heartfelt thanks due ...
... to George, Muriel and all of the folk at The Bield, for your friendly welcome, your support and assistance
... to Ian at RBST for the display material
... to the BWMB for their display material
... to all of the artists who took the time to create such wonderful work
... to everyone who took the time to visit the exhibition, it was lovely to meet each and every one of you
but most of all ...
... to Morgan and Mum, for putting up with me as I got increasingly stressed, for being there to support me at the opening and helping me to 'man' the gallery.
If you didn't get a chance to visit the exhibition, here's a few photos so that you can enjoy the exhibition online.
The full set of images are also on the exhibition website: and also facebook:
Happy viewing :)
Aine - Mattie van den Heuvel |
And the Sun Turned to Darkness - Laura Guida |
As the Sun Dies Out - Pat Moore |
Burned by the Dying Sun - Veronika Ivanov |
Caora Creag i - Morgan Downie and Tracy Markey |
Caora Creag ii - Morgan Downie and Tracy Markey |
Caora Creag iii - Morgan Downie and Tracy Markey |
Caora Creag iv - Morgan Downie and Tracy Markey |
Caora Creag v - Morgan Downie and Tracy Markey |
Carry the Sun (the light inside) - Yvette Williams Elliott |
Cygnus - Jane Mercer |
The Daily Event - Lyn Griffiths |
Duelling Dragons - Katharine Huggett |
Dying of the Sun - Angela Barrow |
Eclipse Meditation - Veronika Ivanov |
Equinox - Angela Barrow |
Evening Embers - Mich Nouquet |
Fafnir's Garb - Tracy Markey |
Falling into Autumn - Tracy Markey |
Fiery Delight - Linda Thomson |
Fire Web - Angela Barrow |
fire work - Morgan Downie |
Flame Garden - Angela Barrow |
Flame On - Katharine Huggett |
Flamebird I: White Heat - Joss Wrigg |
Flamebird II: Ember - Joss Wrigg |
Flamebird III: Warm Glow - Joss Wrigg |
Flaming Jacket - Katharine Huggett |
Flight of the Phoenix - Angela Barrow |
Helios - Tracy Markey |
Lifeless Sun - Pat Moore |
Mi Fuego - Andrea Bustelo |
Nick's Little Helpers - Mich Nouquet |
The Pelican - Jane Mercer |
Pringle's Bothy - Nic Glennie |
Risen - Angela Barrow |
Rising - Angela Barrow |
Samhain's Heat - Angela Barrow |
Sol - Jackie Lunn |
Sun Masks series: #1; Sun Masks series: #2 - Elena Ulyanova |
Sundown - Mich Nouquet |
Sunset on Orkney - Katharine Huggett |
Sunset Tree - Angela Barrow |
Sunset Wrap - Lyn Griffiths |
Taiga, Cloudberry - Shannon M Welsh |
Taiga, Fireweed - Shannon M Welsh |
Taiga, Lightning - Shannon M Welsh |
Volcano, fascinator - Tessa Mendez |
Volcano, asymmetric top and shawl - Tessa Mendez |
Warmth of the Sun - Angela Barrow |
We are all Ancient - Penny Dixon |
We are Stardust - Penny Dixon |
Whitby, Christmas Day - Alex Fraser |
Sheep and Wool Information Display |
Display of the local fleeces used to create Caora Creag - Bowmont, Scottish Blackface, Shetland, Zwartbles, Ryeland and Hebridean, showing raw fleece; scoured fleece; carded fibres; felted sample. |
Visitor book, leaflets, 'meet the artists' book, magazines and books |
Fleece and fibre display - Herdwick, Portland and Alpaca |
Rare breeds information display |
Gallery View i |
Gallery View ii |
Gallery View iii |
Gallery View iv |
Gallery View v |
Gallery View vi
'Land of Felt and Camels' film, by kind permission of Jeanette Sendler |