Wednesday, October 15

one of my favourite little sayings is that nothing worthwhile ever came easy

right now this blog feels like a catalogue of excuses! but there is a lot happening in the background (honest) and all will be revealed soon.

so, as of september 1st i moved to part-time hours at work - how fantastic is that?! and how fantastic is my lovely o-h for making it possible?! i now go out to work three days a week and that leaves four whole days for creative pursuits :))))

but then ...

our laptop became infected with a virus - why, why, why would people spend time, effort and what is undoubtedly a 'skill' to create something so vile?! our laptop spent nearly two weeks in the repair shop and now that we are trying to connect again, our firewall and our broadband provider's software aren't talking to each other - which means that our laptop is still out of commission. i'm hoping that all the photos, blog updates and bookmarks i have saved are still in existence.

then, following a full day of what was probably excessively over doing it in the garden - i had a hairline fracture and tendon damage in my right wrist (of course i'm right handed!). this meant a plaster cast from my knuckles to my elbow along with a sling followed by a splint for six weeks and not much in the way of felting!

now that the splint is finally off i'm busily felting away, with a mixture of excitement and total terror at the thought my first stall! i have a stall at a festive fair at the end of november and am now frantically trying to catch up, i have most of my ideas on paper and i'm in the process of turning them into reality.

once i have everything finalised my next priority is to get this poorly neglected blog up to date - pics coming soon!

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